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Practice Test & Results

All tests that are carried out by the practice would have been requested by a Doctor, Pharmacist or Nurse.  If you feel you need to have a particular test carried out, you will first need to discuss this with a clinical team member, who will then arrange this for you if deemed medical appropriate.

We generally have the results of tests back in the following timescales:

  • Blood Tests: If routine within 2-3 working days, if specialist they can take up to 4 weeks.
  • Urine Tests: If not infection present around 2-3 working days, if an infection present that needs to be cultured this can take approximately 5-7 working days.
  • X-Rays Reports: Approximately 10-15 working days.  
  • Ultrasound Reports: Approximately 10-15 working days.
  • Smear Test: Patient will have a letter directly from Cervical Screening Wales which will include the result.  The timescale differs for everyone depending on the demand on the service, when the sample is taken. The practice will receive the result the same time as patient.
  • Sputum Tests: If not infection present around 2-3 working days, if an infection present that needs to be cultured this can take approximately 5-7 working days.

Please note:  All patients who have abnormal results from tests requested by the practice, will be contacted directly and provided with supporting information or treatment if needed.

If you have any tests taken that were requested by a hospital Consultant, Clinic Nurse Specialists etc. you will need to contact them directly for the results and any treatment that may be needed.




