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Practice Clinics

We provide a number of clinics and services including the following:  Please bear in mind that, due to the pandemic, some of these clinics may be running as a telephone appointment or not at all.  Please ring the practice for further information:

Child Health Clinic - Every Tuesday 13.00 pm to 15.00 pm.  Child Health will send parents/guardians invitations for children from the age of 4 weeks old to 3 years.  The Health Visitors carry out the necessary health checks and our practice nurse will administer all immunisations due.  Please note this is for WELL CHILDREN ONLY, if you are in any doubt on whether your child should attend the clinic, please ring us beforehand for advice.

Diabetic Clinic - All patients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes will be invited to attend the clinic annually.  You will be asked to have routine blood and urine tests taken prior to your appointment, you will then meet with our practice nurse who will discuss the results with you and provide you with help and guidance if needed.  Dr Heather Wilkes is the lead GP for our diabetic patients.  Dr Wilkes will monitor your medications and advise on any changes that need to be made.

Asthma Clinic - Our asthma clinics are run by our health care support worker.  Your inhaler technique will be assessed along with your peak flow.  These results will be put together with a general health review.  If these indicate any changes need to made to your medication these will be made for you.  Dr Cufflin is the lead GP for our asthma patients. 

COPD Clinic - Your inhaler technique will be assessed along with your peak flow.  These results will be put together with a general health review.  If these indicate any changes need to made to your medication these will be made for you.  Dr Cufflin is the lead GP for our COPD patients. 

Blood Pressure Monitoring - Patients on treatment for high blood pressure will be annually invited to have routine blood tests taken and then attend an appointment with our health care support worker to work through the results.  We will provide you with information and support to help you maintain a healthy blood pressure.

Minor illness clinic - Appointments for these clinics are allocated via AskmyGP.

Antenatal Clinic - (Run independently by the Community Midwife)  Registered patients who are 8 weeks+ pregnant will be monitored by the community midwife.  The midwife visits the practice on a Tuesday morning to carryout an antenatal clinic.  Patients must speak to the midwife who will personally book patients into the clinic.  



